Though normally I associate Palm Springs with blazing heat, palm trees and unreasonably long dips in the pool, turns out Palm Springs has a lot to offer even if the temperatures are nowhere near what I would normally consider hot or warm for that matter:) As I have mentioned before, most of the time our trips to Palm Springs are the most glorious examples of procrastination, where Emil and I certainly make plans to venture outside of our hotel to explore, yet somehow always end up lingering by the pool, working on our tans and sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them. Both of us, I think at some point accepted the fact that these trips are not exactly productive or active, and allowed ourselves this time to be a bit lazy. Yet, I've always wanted to see more of Palm Springs. Well, I certainly got my wish this time:)! Though, I have to admit that initially the cooler weather put a bit of damper on my mood, I soon discovered its full benefits. We were finally ...