Funny, as much as I talk about how much I love wearing something new, if I had to be really honest, I'd say that in many ways, wearing my tried and true favorites is what I love the most. In fact, most of the prized pieces I have in my closet, the ones I really enjoy putting on every time without exception have been with me for years. Like old friends you can always rely on, I can count on them to make an outfit and make me feel great while I wear them every time. Well, today's outfit just happens to feature some of these pieces. I picked up this suede trench coat just before Paris Fashion Week, and haven't stopped wearing it since. Aside from the fact that I love trench coats in general, this particular one is basically a perfect combination of all the elements one could look for in a trench coat. Not afraid of using the word "perfect" too much when referring to this particular piece, everything about it is just, well... perfect from material and color to length ...